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Posted on May 1, 2016

Going Deeper
7 Lessons from 7 Churches: Sardis

Day 1
Read Revelation 3:1
Jesus mentions the 7 spirits and the 7 stars again.
Do some Biblical research (using a concordance or something similar) on the number 7 and its uses in the Bible. Check out Rev 4:5, 5:6 and Zec 3:9, 4:10.
1) Without putting too much weight on numerology, what did you find?

2) Write down your thoughts on the significance of the number 7.

Day 2
Read Revelation 3:1
1) Compare Rev 3:2
-3 with Eph 2:8-10. What do you see lacking in the church of Sardis when you compare these 2 verses?

2) How can you apply this to your own life? How can we apply this to our church?

3) Meditate on what the Gospel really means to you. Really take some time on this and allow the Holy Spirit to speak to you.

Day 3
Read Revelation 3:1
-6 (focus on vss. 4-6)
For the following questions, use a Concordance, Bible Dictionary, or Google.
1) Do some research on the significance of the white garment. What did 
you find? Write down your thoughts.

2) Do some research on the Book of Life. What did you find? Write down your thoughts.

Jesus says that He will confess the names of the faithful before the Father (vs. 5).
3) Meditate on what this means. Do you find encouragement in this?
4) What other verses come to mind when you read this?